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Life at 7: Temperament

Life at 7: Temperament

Easygoing at age seven doesn’t always translate into easygoing at 27—in the course of two decades, a laid-back kid may change into an aggressive or attention-starved adult. But temperament does offer a window into the development of coping skill...

Power Struggles: Parents vs. Children

Power Struggles: Parents vs. Children

Is it healthy for parents to exercise complete control? Are rebellious children better equipped for the future? What measures should be taken to reign in unruly kids? This program looks at childhood battles for independence and the reasons why such ...

Life at 5: Great Expectations

Life at 5: Great Expectations

A good start to school depends on three fundamental gifts: the ability to communicate effectively, a talent for fitting in well with others, and an ambition to learn. This program tracks the challenges, setbacks, and successes in the lives of a half...

Thoughtful Response to Agitation, Escalation, and Meltdowns in Individuals With Autism Spectrum Disorders

Thoughtful Response to Agitation, Escalation, and Meltdowns in Individuals With Autism Spectrum Disorders

This program promotes understanding of individuals with autism spectrum disorders and shows how to effectively use proactive and reactive responses. The video is designed for anyone who works or lives with individuals with autism spectrum disorders ...

Life at 3: Bad Behavior

Life at 3: Bad Behavior

A major part of socialization is about self-control—and age 3 is a critical time for a child to learn how to reign in hostility, resentment, and impulsive behavior. This program delivers a progress report on five toddlers—the public face of a mu...

Childhood: Program 2. Louder than words

Childhood: Program 2. Louder than words

An infant may not be able to speak, but research clearly shows that the roots of future personality are present from birth. Observer Jerome Kagan shows why shyness and sociability have a distinct biological component. But is biology destiny? We expl...

Childhood: Program 4. In the land of the giants

Childhood: Program 4. In the land of the giants

This program features three- to five-year-olds learning the social and psychological intricacies of family life. Observer Urie Bronfenbrenner characterizes the family as "the most efficient means for making human beings human." As the wider world af...

Life at 3: Fighting Fat

Life at 3: Fighting Fat

The number one predictor of obesity in children is an overweight parent—but genes are only part of the story. This program reports on the health and happiness of five toddlers who are part of a large-scale longitudinal study in child development. ...