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Kingsman, February 10, 1967

Vol. XXXIV – No. 1 This issue contains articles on a resolution for an experimental pass-fail grading system, results from the Middle States Association for Colleges and Secondary Schools' accreditation report, and news that a professor that had p...

Kingsman, May 10, 1968

Vol. XXXVI – No. 11 This issue contains articles on new special admission procedures enacted, such as pass-fail grading, in order to increase non-white enrollment, the slashing of the Search For Education, Elevation, and Knowledge (SEEK) budget re...

Kingsman, September 21, 1967

Vol. XXXV – No. 1 This issue contains articles on the role the revised student deferment laws play on undergraduates, BC's announcement of regulations for the pass-fail grading experiment, and further details on the restoration of the CUNY budget....

Kingsman, May 8, 1970

Vol. XL – No. 11 This issue contains articles on upcoming discussions to be held by President Kneller with faculty over whether or not to close down BC for the duration of the semester following the student boycotts of classes, the 'liberation' of...