About this title: Discusses the ability to walk upright, which is considered a crucial step in the development of humankind. Documents the discovery of the oldest human footprints in the world by Mary Leakey near Olduvai Gorge in Tanzania. Also disc...
Assume, for the sake of argument, that our species has created everything it needs—all the comfort and protection that technology can provide. Does that mean our biological evolution has come to an end? Not necessarily, says anatomist and anthropo...
About this title: Examines the crucial behavior patterns that, over millions of years, have made humans what we are. Discusses the role of aggression in the survival of the human species and questions whether that aggression will also lead to our do...
Likening the beauty and complexity of DNA to an epic poem, this program revolves around the idea that we all carry the story of life on Earth in our genes, and that the similarities between species may play a more significant role in that story than...
This is part nine of a history of the cultural evolution of man, from primitive times to the present, presented by the late Dr. Jacob Bronowski. This program journeys from the valleys and waterfalls of Wales to the jungles of the Amazon to discusses...