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Collapse of Peace, The: Truman Gets Tough with Soviets Leading to Potsdam

Collapse of Peace, The: Truman Gets Tough with Soviets Leading to Potsdam

Roosevelt is dying and leaves his successor Truman uninformed and poorly prepared. Truman berates foreign minister Molotov for Russia's not keeping its bargain at Yalta, but in reality there is little the U.S. can do to compel the Soviet Union to li...

Taking the Offensive: Truman's Terrible Decision: Atomic Warfare?

Taking the Offensive: Truman's Terrible Decision: Atomic Warfare?

Truman succeeds Roosevelt upon the president's death in April 1945. As fighting rages on between the Allies and Japan, Truman declares an ultimatum to the Japanese to surrender unconditionally by August 3, 1945. But Japan wants one condition, to kee...