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Warrior to Priest...Presidents of the Early 1900s: Woodrow Wilson-Retreat and Advance

Warrior to Priest...Presidents of the Early 1900s: Woodrow Wilson-Retreat and Advance

Despite the Democrats mid-term election losses in the House of Representatives in 1914, Woodrow Wilson initiates another round of reforms in 1915 and 1916 and appoints Louis Brandeis to Supreme Court. It becomes evident that there is a mismatch betw...

Warrior to Priest...Presidents of the Early 1900s: Woodrow Wilson and The New Freedom

Warrior to Priest...Presidents of the Early 1900s: Woodrow Wilson and The New Freedom

Woodrow Wilson is a bold and forceful leader clearly in charge of the Executive branch. In legislative matters, he skillfully uses his position as party leader to solidify support for his program in Congress. Wilson sees a strong link between popula...

Warrior to Priest...Presidents of the Early 1900s: Federal Government as Mediator of the Public Good

Warrior to Priest...Presidents of the Early 1900s: Federal Government as Mediator of the Public Good

Roosevelt does not consider the federal government the agent of any particular interest, only public interest. During his presidency, he argues for public accountability of corporations and files more than 40 antitrust suits. Roosevelt also introduc...

Warrior to Priest...Presidents of the Early 1900s: Accidental President, The

Warrior to Priest...Presidents of the Early 1900s: Accidental President, The

Theodore Roosevelt becomes the youngest man to assume the presidency when William McKinley is assassinated in 1901. Although in journalistic histories he is often portrayed as an impulsive, immature figure, Roosevelt is actually astute and intellect...

Warrior to Priest...Presidents of the Early 1900s: The Presidential Election of 1912

Warrior to Priest...Presidents of the Early 1900s: The Presidential Election of 1912

In the presidential election of 1912 Theodore Roosevelt (Progressive), Woodrow Wilson (Democrat), and Eugene Debs (Socialist) compete for the same constituencies: farmers, laborers, and immigrants. Roosevelt endorses minimum-wage legislation and cor...

Warrior to Priest...Presidents of the Early 1900s: Roosevelt and Conservation

Warrior to Priest...Presidents of the Early 1900s: Roosevelt and Conservation

Theodore Roosevelt is involved with Gifford Pinchot and Carl Schurz in conservation efforts as early as the 1890s. As the first director of National Forest Service, Pinchot establishes a legacy of government involvement in wilderness areas primarily...

Warrior to Priest...Presidents of the Early 1900s: Troubled Succession of William Howard Taft, The

Warrior to Priest...Presidents of the Early 1900s: Troubled Succession of William Howard Taft, The

After eight energetic years in the White House, Theodore Roosevelt retires from public life, at least that is his stated intention. His hand-picked successor, William Howard Taft, easily wins the presidential election of 1908, but he is not a progre...