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Excelsior, December 21, 1988

Volume 1, Number 10 This issue covers articles detailing the actions taken by different BC student clubs and Student Government towards fighting CUNY budget cuts. Note: There are duplicates of pages 18 and 19 in the scan. Preferred Citation: Titl...

Excelsior, February 6, 1989

Volume 2, Number 2 This issue covers articles on efforts by student group, Higher Education Alert Network (HEAN), to raise awareness across the student body of proposed CUNY budget cuts, campus-wide events scheduled for Black History Month, and stud...

Excelsior, December 13, 1988

Volume 1, Number 9 This issue covers articles on actions taken by the Student Center Board to have their budgetary concerns heard, information regarding the recent election of a new USS Senator in the Student Government, and student proposals for ch...