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Kingsman, December 8, 1961

Vol. XXIII—No. 11. According to the American Association of University Professors, BC Faculty rank at the top of the pack for highest paid US faculty, Executive Council unanimously signs off on a non-partisan public affairs program known as “C...

Kingsman, October 20, 1961

Vol. XXIII—No. 5. Executive Council takes up the possibility of implementing a system of popular elections, resolution urging all CUNY presidents to start implementing “a unified student government” is drafted by the first CUNY conference of ...

Ken, Monday, September 24, 1973

Vol. 53 – No. 2 This issue contains articles on updates from several administrators, significant problems with class registration, and a call for expansion of student aid funding. Preferred Citation: Title of Newspaper. volume #, issue #, date of...

Kingsman, October 13, 1961

Vol. XXIII—No. 4. Gustave G. Rosenberg chairman of the Board of Higher Education slams proposed budget cut by the City Planning Commission, Hunter College hosts first CUNY Convention where 6 of its 7 colleges to familiarize themselves, the presid...

Kingsman, December 15, 1961

Vol. XXIII—No. 12. BC football will return in the spring following a 6 hiatus, BC students to pay a fee each semester if Board of Higher Education approves recommendation by President Gideonse, the Student Union Building Organization Committee�...

Kingsman, November 2, 1962

Vol. XXV—No. 7. BC’s 9th Alumni of the year award is presented to Dr. Jay Greene, class of 1932, BC defeats Detroit in first College Bowl victory, Queens College Student Association President Mark Levy receives suspension from CUNY’s Executiv...

Kingsman, November 1, 1963

Vol. XXVII—No. 7. The Council of Club Presidents take next steps in Monday meeting to become an official campus sanctioned group, photograph by Irving Penn hangs on display at the BC Student Center, CUNY selects 41 professors for graduate teachin...

Kingsman, November 4, 1960

Vol. XXI—No. 7 BC fights for Men's soccer title, Dr. Herbert F. Friedman is selected recipient of BC's "Alumnus of the Year" award. Eleanor Roosevelt cancels her "Students for Kennedy" appearance, Conference on Teacher Education critiques the phe...

Kingsman, March 30, 1962

Vol. XXIV—No. 8 The Challenge lecture series’ 2nd program will represent the first taped program by WBAI-FM with BC participation to be aired on that very station, David Boroff will give the House Plan Associations twice a year Bildersee-Marone...

Kingsman, March 8, 1963

Vol. XXVI—No. 5. The BC Student Services Corporation was present at the Faculty Student Committee on Student Organizations to solve BC’s Student Center dispute by inviting its Policy Board members to meet members of the BC Student Services Cor...