This emotionally charged program follows five participants of different ethnic and racial backgrounds through a three-day Unlearning Racism workshop. As the workshop begins, a European-American man offends his African-American workshop partner by ma...
Focusing on the issues that can arise during employment, this ethnically diverse program shares the often frustrating and dramatic experiences minorities often face while on the job. Experts advise on how to deal constructively with problems such as...
For years, acclaimed author and speaker Tim Wise has been electrifying audiences on the college lecture circuit with his deeply personal take on whiteness and white privilege. In this spellbinding lecture, the author of White Like Me: Reflections on...
A diverse group of college students reveal their honest feelings and attitudes about race and racism. Students are interviewed alone, and then discuss the issues in a group setting.
Analyzes the evolution of television's earlier, unflattering portrayal of blacks from 1948 until 1988 where they are depicted as prosperous, having achieved the American dream, a portrayal that is inconsistent with reality.
Covering more than one hundred years of United States history, Ethnic Notions traces the evolution of Black American caricatures and their role in political and social conflicts concerning race.