The Republicans retain their majority in the mid-term elections of 1862 despite Democratic gains. Lincoln continues to have difficulties with inept generals. After Antietam, Lincoln fires McClellan who seems more interested in political than milita...
In Virginia, the Grant/Meade campaign against Lee during the summer and fall of 1864 is not making much headway. These are some of the bloodiest battles of the war, grinding day after day engagements with heavy casualties. When Jeb Stuart, Lee's tru...
Both commanders attempt to break the trench deadlock at Petersburg, Lee with Early's raid on Washington and Grant by digging a tunnel under Confederate fortifications and planting explosives. The Battle of the Crater which begins early in the mornin...
1863 is a pivotal year in determining the outcome of the war between the states. Three significant battles prove to be turning points in the conflict. The first takes place at Vicksburg along the Mississippi River; the second in Pennsylvania where L...
In 1862 President Lincoln's Cabinet urges him to wait for victory in the war with the Confederacy before issuing Emancipation Proclamation. Lee invades Maryland, hoping that victories in the Eastern Theater will convince Europe to support the Confed...
Citizens of North and South rush to volunteer their services, wanting to get into the action before the skirmish is over. Neither side has guns, uniforms, or any kind of organization. Winfield Scott, commanding general for the United States, launche...