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Surburban Day in Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn

Postcard is a color real photo of the racing tracks in Sheepshead Bay, NY. The postcard is divided and is postmarked July 17, 1909. The picture side reads: 5406 SUBURAN DAY AT SHEEPSHEAD BAY ILL. POST CARD CO., N.Y. GERMANY The back side reads: Po...

Racing Track in Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn

Postcard is a color real photo of the racing tracks in Sheepshead Bay, NY. The postcard is divided and is postmarked July 17, 1909. The picture side reads: 17 Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn, N.Y. The back side reads: Post Card SHEEPSHEAD BAY, BROOKLYN,...

Villepigue Inn by Sheepshead Bay

Postcard is a color real photo of Villepigue Inn at Sheepshead Bay, NY. The postcard is divided and is postmarked August 20, 1929. The picture side reads: Villepigue Inn, Cor. Ocean and Voorhies Avenues, Sheepshead Bay, Long Island Telephone Cone...

Lundys at Sheepshead Bay

Postcard is a black and white real photo of a restaurant, Lundy's, at Sheepshead Bay, NY. The postcard is undivided, has not been mailed, and is circa 1926-1943. The picture side reads: Lundys at Sheepshead Bay, N.Y. The back side reads: Post Car...

Sheepshead Bay Waterfront

Postcard is a black and white photo of the Sheepshead Bay Waterfront in NYC. The postcard only contains the picture side. The picture side reads: Sheepshead Bay Citation: Sheepshead Bay Waterfront. (1908). [Postcard]. Everett Hughes Postcard Col...

Scene at Sheepshead Bay and Manhattan Beach

Postcard is a black and white photo of Sheepshead Bay and Manhattan Beach in NYC. The postcard is divided, has not been mailed, and is circa 1914-1943. The picture side reads: Scene at Sheepshead Bay and Manhattan Beach, N.Y. The back side reads...

Pappas Restaurant in Sheepshead Bay

Postcard is a black and white photo collage of Pappas Restaurant in Sheepshead Bay, NY. The postcard is divided, has not been mailed, and is circa 1939-1943. The picture side reads: 1821 Emmons Ave., Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn, N.Y. The back side ...