The Uprising of '34 is a startling documentary which tells the story of the General Strike of 1934, a massive but little-known strike by hundreds of thousands of Southern cotton mill workers during the Great Depression. The mill workers' defiant sta...
In 1917, nearly two-thousand immigrant miners, on strike for better wages and safer working conditions, were violently rounded up by their armed neighbors, herded onto cattle cars, shipped to the middle of the New Mexican desert, and left there to d...
Incited by wage cuts, speed-ups, and lengthened working hours, the largely immigrant workers in the textile mills of Passaic, New Jersey shut down the mills on January 25, 1926, for more than a year. In this documentary covering the event, a number ...
Vol. LVI – No. 6
This issue contains articles on a potential transit strike's effect on the college, a state audit citing questionable spending by the BC administration, and details of a NYPIRG refund policy.
Note: Issue includes a 5-page April ...