Vol. 53 – No. 2
This issue contains articles on updates from several administrators, significant problems with class registration, and a call for expansion of student aid funding.
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Vol. LIII – No. 2
This issue contains articles on potential changes to student registration system, a new ban on rock concerts at the campus auditorium, and the reinstatement of a former downtown campus school as a main campus program.
Preferred ...
Vol. LXXI – No. 13
This issue contains articles on pending changes to CUNY grade policy, a planned two day anti-bias rally, and the death of a longtime college registrar.
Preferred Citation: Title of Newspaper. volume #, issue #, date of publicat...
Vol. 55 – No. 3
This issue contains articles on the large turnout for the freshman reception, innovations in the registrar's office, and a plan to use draft evaders as college tutors.
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Vol. XXVII—No. 14.
Executive Council votes for BC and National Student Association’s reaffiliation, BC soccer fullback Helmut Poje is selected for the ’63 All America team by the National Soccer Coaches Association of America, BC Council’s ...
Vol. 53 – No. 8
This issue contains articles on the new computerized registration system, student government elections, and approval of campus facility rehabilitation funds. Includes a special registration supplement.
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Volume 3, Number 1
This issue covers articles on news over the closing of the food truck on campus as the new cafeteria built-in Boylan Hall is completed, rising enrollment despite state funding policies, and a computer center opening in Spring 199...
Vol. LXX – No. 2
This issue contains articles on possible asbestos contamination during the abatement project, significant cuts to weekend courses, and freshman orientation.
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Vol. LIII – No. 5
This issue contains articles on the college retaining its computerized registration system, campus security targeting drug dealers, and allegations of extortion against a campus security guard.
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Vol. LXXIII – No. 1
This issue contains articles on the college's dire financial situation and major problems during student registration.
Preferred Citation: Title of Newspaper. volume #, issue #, date of publication. Brooklyn College Illumira, ...