Vol. XLII – No. 11
This issue contains articles on CUNY Chancellor Bowker's insight into the proposed CUNY budget cuts, news of the House of Representatives' vote to continue the military draft, and further results from the voter registration draf...
Vol. LXX – No. 5
This issue contains articles on the student assembly review of academic eligibility standards, a planned protest against a visit by Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia by women's clubs, and controversy over English professor Alle...
Volume 2, Number 14
This issue covers articles on students marching for victory over the vetoing of tuition cuts, protests still occurring over CUNY campuses, and President Hess's praise for student protestors.
Preferred Citation: Title of Newspap...
Vol. LVI – No. 10
This issue contains articles on the police being used to end a student protest occupation, a full faculty no-confidence vote against the BC president, and a vow from an embattled professor to continue teaching despite suspension....
Vol. 57 – No. 4
This issue contains articles on budget cutbacks for campus operations, budget cutbacks to campus security, and student anger over tuition fees.
Preferred Citation: Title of Newspaper. volume #, issue #, date of publication. Brookl...
Vol. XXXI – No. 9
This issue contains articles on the journal proposal that was passed by the Faculty Council, the proposal of increased state aid for CUNY, and a clash between protestors and defenders of the Vietnam War over Marine recruiters at ...
Vol. XXI—No. 7
BC fights for Men's soccer title, Dr. Herbert F. Friedman is selected recipient of BC's "Alumnus of the Year" award. Eleanor Roosevelt cancels her "Students for Kennedy" appearance, Conference on Teacher Education critiques the phe...
Vol. LVII – No. 3
This issue contains articles on NYPIRG's planned campaigns for the year, controversy over the New School for Liberal Arts, and the history of LaGuardia Hall. There is a bonus 'Kingsman' history section at the end.
Note: This sc...
Volume 1, Number 10
This issue covers articles detailing the actions taken by different BC student clubs and Student Government towards fighting CUNY budget cuts.
Note: There are duplicates of pages 18 and 19 in the scan.
Preferred Citation: Titl...
Vol. XXXVI – No. 10
This issue contains articles on the anti-war strike boycott on campus, the events held during BC week, and news that a student-run radio show will be broadcasting in September.
Preferred Citation: Title of Newspaper. volume #...