At the heart of the Middle East conflict stands the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Holy ground for Judaism, Islam, and Christianity, this 35-acre plot is the world’s most contested piece of land. Filmed on location, this timely program presents a wide...
Focuses on the biblical lands of the ancient Hebrews, particularly the city of Jerusalem. This is the story of the sacred city where Christ spent his final days on earth. Featuring Richard Andrews, author of "Blood on the Mountain." Includes superb ...
The second installment in the PBS series Jerusalem: Center of the World focuses on the city’s evolution under Roman rule; its historical significance in both Christianity and Islam, past and present; the tensions that exist between Jews and Muslim...
The first installment in the PBS series Jerusalem: Center of the World covers the historical beginnings of the city; its role as the hub of ancient Israel’s religion and culture; information on major Old Testament leaders in the context of Jerusal...