This film portrays the rhythms of hospice life and challenges stereotypes of aging and dying. It captures the bond shared between patients and caregivers and grown children and their ailing parents. The film is a universal look at seeking humor, tru...
Whether they want to or not, four out of five Americans will likely die in hospitals or nursing homes, and the care they get will depend on both who is providing it and who is footing the bill. In this program, veteran PBS journalist Bill Moyers int...
Central to this provocative documentary is the case of a comatose patient, whose family and healthcare team are in conflict over how long to continue with the treatments that are keeping him alive. In making decisions about his care, they confront d...
If we’re lucky, our parents live long enough to entrust us with protecting and caring for them. But the adult caregiver doesn’t always feel so lucky—the burdens of decision making, of remaining involved and vigilant, are often overwhelming. Wh...
At the Sacred Heart Palliative Care Centre in Sydney, Australia, a small group of health care professionals are devoting their careers to death. Sacred Heart’s patients have all been diagnosed with a terminal illness—but instead of pursuing elus...