Postcard is a colored illustration of the New Bermuda Terrace at the Hotel St. George. The postcard is divided.
The picture side reads:
The New Bermuda Terrace
Hotel St. George – Brooklyn, N.Y.
The back side reads:
The New Bermuda Terrace
Postcard is a colored illustration of the New Bermuda Terrace at the Hotel St. George. The postcard is divided.
The picture side reads:
The New Bermuda Terrace
Hotel St. George - Brooklyn, N.Y.
The back side reads:
The New Bermuda Terrance
Postcard is a black and white illustration of the Terrace at the Flower Garden at Prospect Park. The postcard is divided.
The picture side reads:
Brooklyn Eagle Post Card, Series 8, No. 48.
The Terrace at the Flower Garden, Prospect Park
The back ...