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Kingsman, March 19, 1971

Vol. XLII – No. 8 This issue contains articles on the Day Care Collective's continued occupation of T-1 building despite the eviction order, the Faculty Council's election of a search committee to recommend department heads, the Drug Discipline pa...

Kingsman, December 9, 1966

Vol. XXXIII – No. 11 This issue contains articles on campus-wide voting approved by FSCSO, the Executive Council's rejection of charity policy change, and the proposal of a new nursing program at BC. Preferred Citation: Title of Newspaper. volum...

Kingsman, December 6, 1963

Vol. XXVII—No. 11. BC Executive Council resolution could alter the library into a memorial to JFK pending administration approval, Peace Corps Director R. Sargent Shriver will speak at BC on 12/11/63, the Creative Arts Journal receives official r...

Kingsman, December 16, 1966

Vol. XXXIII – No. 12 This issue contains articles on the Faculty Council's consideration of a trial of the new required courses plan, the Executive Council's call for students' voice on department staff appointments, and information regarding the ...

Kingsman, October 25, 1963

Vol. XXVII—No. 6. The BC Leadership Conference meets to discuss the creation of an Academic Affairs Federation in order to deal with issues felt amongst academic council presidents and proves successful, The Executive Council approves resolution...

Kingsman, November 20, 1987

Vol. LXV – No. 11 This issue contains articles on a dispute over printing debts, the revocation of the graduate political science club's charter, and a wave of car break-ins near campus. Preferred Citation: Title of Newspaper. volume #, issue #, ...

Ken, Monday, September 24, 1973

Vol. 53 – No. 2 This issue contains articles on updates from several administrators, significant problems with class registration, and a call for expansion of student aid funding. Preferred Citation: Title of Newspaper. volume #, issue #, date of...

Excelsior, May 8, 1989

Volume 2, Number 14 This issue covers articles on students marching for victory over the vetoing of tuition cuts, protests still occurring over CUNY campuses, and President Hess's praise for student protestors. Preferred Citation: Title of Newspap...

Excelsior, November 13, 1989

Volume 3, Number 10 This issue covers articles on Reverend Al Sharpton's speech at BC, President Hess's support of the decision to postpone screening of "Last Temptation of Christ," and details over the Academic Club Association's fall festival. N...

Kingsman, December 11, 1964

Vol. XXIX – No. 12 This issue contains articles on the Executive Council's decision to approve affiliation with the National Student Association, details of the recruitment session made by the Peace Corps on the BC campus, and the Public Affairs C...