delivers seamless convergence, scalability and intelligence. Cisco Unified Fabric has created this option at a reduced total cost of ownership and faster
Contributor(s): Rossiter, John
Publisher: Rossiter, John
Hi this is a new desc
Publisher: moner, John
forever. This program presents a dramatization of John Updike's frequently anthologized story of irony and innocence. Updike himself comments on the story
Contributor(s): Updike, John
Subject: Updike, John. A & P
Transcript: [MUSIC PLAYING] My home town, Ipswich, Massachusetts. Yeah, it's a pretty place to grow up, especially in summertime. [MUSIC PLAYING] Stokes has
John Calvin, the founder of Calvinism, and a Reformation leader of Protestantism, wrote Institutes of the Christian Religion.
Henry VIII of England is a composer who concerns himself with the music of the church. John Taverner is appointed Master of Choristers. He composes
This video program focuses on family assessment within the context of community health nursing practice. In the video, front line community health nurses illustrate the goals, processes, and issues inherent in assessing families. Tools of family ass...
Publisher: Doreen A Westera
perspectives of both a public health nurse and a home care nurse. Advantages, possible contexts and the phases of home visiting are all explored. Nursing skills
Publisher: Doreen A Westera
Dr. Michael Nevins uses Sir Thomas More's book Utopia as the starting point for an historical review of scholarly works that treat the subject of euthanasia from perspectives ranging from the serious to the humorous, provocative and satirical.
Contributor(s): Nevin, Michael A.
Subject: Nevins, Michael A.
Publisher: Nevins, Michael A.
Listen and comprehend well
Contributor(s): Soueid, John
In the early 1970s John Rawls uses the tradition of social contract as the basis for creating an imagined group that must decide on the rules of
Subject: Rawls, John
Transcript: , john rawls proposed a new way of looking at it. Rawls' famous book, a theory of justice, Uses the apparatus of the social contract tradition, Imagining