This title begins with a quote from Gen. Dwight Eisenhower, "I hate war as only a soldier who has lived it can, only as one who has seen its brutality, its futility, its stupidity". This film portrays five combat veterans from different wars ranging...
This program examines how Walter Cronkite and the media questioned a victory and how the war in Vietnam was lost. During the Tet truce for Chinese New Year, January 31st 1968, the Vietcong carried out a surprise attack on America's Embassy in Vietn...
American history, 20th century American history, United States history, and 20th century United States history are emphasized in this seventh 20th Century Turning Points program. 20th Century Turning Points in U.S. History is an eight-part series de...
Vol. XXXIV – No. 3
This issue contains articles on Mayor Lindsay's suggestion that the state deserved a voice in CUNY affairs if it is to give the university increased aid, Professor Arthur Schlesinger's criticisms of the resumption of the bombing...
Vol. XXXIV – No. 8
This issue contains articles on news that the Faculty-Student Committee on Student Organizations (FSCSO) considered the 1967 student activities budget, activities planned for BC's Vietnam Week, and a petition calling for the ret...
Vol. XXXII – No. 7
This issue contains articles on the student demonstration in Albany for more state funds for CUNY, approval for the Executive Council's annual Leaders' Conference, and details for "Vietnam Week" which was initiated by four stude...