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Remembering Ronald Reagan

Remembering Ronald Reagan

Former Secretary of State James A. Baker looks back on his eight years working in the Reagan White House. Secretary Baker explains that one of President Reagan's greatest strengths was his ability to make those around him feel good about themselves.

Setting Priorities

Setting Priorities

Former Secretary of State James A. Baker notes that the Secretary of the Treasury has more latitude in determining what to concentrate on than does the Secretary of State. "You're a little bit more hostage to what happens in the world as Secretary o...

Reagan Triumvirate, The

Reagan Triumvirate, The

Former Secretary of State James A. Baker talks about the way he, Ed Meese and Mike Deaver split up responsibilities as President Reagan's three most influential staff members during the first term of the Reagan presidency.

Presidency, The: A Delicate Balancing Act

Presidency, The: A Delicate Balancing Act

Presidential advisor, political analyst and university professor David Gergen explains that the presidency is more than simply a relationship between the President and the people. If goals and objectives are to be reached, Mr. Gergen says, the Presi...

Monica Lewinsky Episode, The

Monica Lewinsky Episode, The

Former White House press secretary Mike McCurry talks about the disappointment felt by White House staff members when the details of the Monica Lewinsky episode came out in the Starr Report. "And I think the President understood that, " Mr. McCurry ...

Presidency and Fiduciary Responsibility, The

Presidency and Fiduciary Responsibility, The

Presidential advisor, political analyst and university professor David Gergen talks about his experience working in the Clinton White House. He notes that, prior to the Monica Lewinsky episode, President Clinton was "...really working pretty hard to...

News Organizations

News Organizations

Former White House press secretary Mike McCurry explains how and why news organizations often cover events the way they do, especially in the case of high interest news stories. "It becomes kind of this moment of high drama in which the press has on...

Press Secretary Jobs

Press Secretary Jobs

Former White House press secretary Mike McCurry recalls his two press secretary jobs during the Clinton administration, and says that he greatly preferred his stint as State Department spokesman over his job as White House press secretary. "It was i...

Easy Days and Hard Days

Easy Days and Hard Days

Former White House press secretary Mike McCurry recalls that his easiest days were those when there was only one topic on the minds of reporters in the White House press briefings. Mr. McCurry says his greatest challenge on those occasions was figur...

Cabinets and Presidents

Cabinets and Presidents

Former Secretary of State James A. Baker talks about the role of cabinet officers and White House staffers in presidential administrations. Secretary Baker explains that cabinet meetings are often more for show than anything else, adding that presid...