In the 1950's, when Paulina was a child in a rural Mexican village, her parents traded her away for land rights. The villagers ostracized her and the town boss raped her, keeping her as his unwilling mistress throughout much of her adolescence. At 1...
Years after the women’s movement burst open doors of opportunity that had long been barred, a new generation of women seems to be questioning the meaning and the value of the battles fought by their mothers and grandmothers. Has feminism somehow g...
With dowries reaching fifty percent of a family's income, a second daughter is often called "the girl born for the burial pit." This program assesses second- and third-world abuses of women's rights by the male establishment - and examines how femal...
Actress/advocates and New York Times journalist Nicholas Kristof meet individuals who are doing work to empower women and girls everywhere. These are stories of challenge, transformation and hope.
Actress/advocates and New York Times journalist Nicholas Kristof meet individuals who are doing work to empower women and girls everywhere. These are stories of challenge, transformation and hope.
“A girl’s life is cruel...A woman’s life is very cruel,” notes Sampat Pal, the complex protagonist at the center of PINK SARIS, internationally acclaimed director Kim Longinotto’s latest foray into the lives of extraordinary women (SISTERS...
A story of women, art and revolution, this vibrant film documents the critical role that revolutionary street art played - and is continuing to play - in the political uprising of Egypt. Introducing a cadre of courageous and gifted female artists wh...
The second installment in Ken Burns’s eye-opening profile of the women’s suffrage movement, this program depicts the later years of Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton. With the help of rarely seen archival materials and voice-over portr...