Philosopher Michael Sandel says he recognizes the power of the liberal theory of government, because its neutral position regarding morality is based on a certain conception of freedom. Despite this, however, Professor Sandel believes the liberal po...
Communitarians have been accused of being conservative, of attempting to maintain a way of life that includes discrimination against women and minorities. For communitarians, such problems can be solved by reasoned public debate, as long as the subj...
Philosopher Michael Sandel discusses two approaches to liberalism, what he terms libertarian liberalism and egalitarian liberalism. He also talks about his own reluctance to be labeled as a communitarian, because he feels the term is often used syno...
Emphasis on the common good places communitarians in direct conflict with liberals who claim the state must leave people free to pursue their own values. Michael Sandel, Ronald Dworkin, and Charles Taylor "debate" the issue in a fascinating exchange...
Certain obligations, communitarians assert, express the moral bonds that tie us to the traditions and culture of the community. Philosopher David Wong experienced these expectations growing up in a Chinese-American family. He was expected to contrib...
The liberal view that government must be neutral and allow individuals the right to choose their own values and ends is criticized by communitarians. Communitarians believe in the organic nature of the state and the importance of belonging to a comm...
German philosopher Georg Hegel, like Aristotle, sees the family as the most basic human group. When children grow up and move beyond the family they form new bonds that attach them to the values of their culture. It is within the state, Hegel assert...
Philosopher Martha Nussbaum laments what she calls the misunderstanding and misrepresentation of late philosopher John Rawls by communitarians and "anti-liberals of all sorts."