This clip explains how to solve unit conversion problems involving fluid volume through the use of the decimal method.
This clip explains how to solve unit conversion problems using the decimal method and the unit cancellation method. The clip points out that, "Â…the advantage of unit cancellation is that you're not likely to make mistakes with decimals. The advanta...
This clip explores the conversion of units between the U.S. Customary System and the Metric System. The clip explains that the transition factor for converting from a metric unit to a U.S. unit is 1.06 quarts over 1 liter.
This clip explains how to convert units of weight between the U.S. Customary System and the Metric System, using both the unit cancellation and decimal methods. "Converting between the two systems means that we'll be working with two sets of equival...
This clip explains that, while there are 7 metric equivalences, we'll use only those that contain the following common metric units to convert units of mass: one metric ton equals 1,000 kilograms; one kilogram equals 1,000 grams; and one gram equals...
This clip explains that, instead of using a unit conversion factor to solve a problem, the student can use the decimal method, which the clip calls "a shortcut." "When we convert from metric to U.S. units," the clip notes, "we can use the shortcut b...