This clip presents four different outcomes that may occur when dividing decimals: The first possibility is that the division comes out even "just as it stands, with no remainder." The second possibility is that the division comes out even only after...
This clip states that "mathematicians never divide by decimals. If the divisor is a decimal, they change it to a whole number." The clip then explains how this is done, with the divisor multiplied by some power of ten to become a whole number and th...
This clip summarizes dividing decimal fractions, explaining that, "
in any division problem involving decimals, the first step is to make sure the quotient is a whole number." The clip explains how that is done, then notes that "
we place the deci...
This clip explains how to approach division of decimals when accuracy is expected to a given number of decimal places. "However many decimal places you want," the clip states, "
if rounding off is required, you must figure out one more and then rou...
This clip explains that dividing can sometimes be done more quickly for those comfortable with guessing the partial quotient rather than figuring it out. On the other hand, the method known as "long division" offers another approach altogether.
This clip explains that changing fractions to decimals is quite different from changing decimals to fractions. It takes us through the process of dividing the numerator by the denominator and asks the question: "How accurate do we want the answer? D...
This clip summarizes rounding numbers, explaining that, "
we use rounded numbers either when it's not important to know the exact ones, or when we can't find them." The clip then explains when and how we round up or down.
This clip summarizes multiplying decimals through a review of key points introduced in the lesson. These include the rule for multiplying two or more decimals, a shortcut for multiplying decimals by powers of 10, and an explanation that the basic ru...
This clip explains what it calls "a handy shortcut" that works when multiplying by powers of ten. "To multiply a decimal number by 10, move the decimal point one place to the right. To multiply by 100, move it two places to the right. To multiply by...
This clip explains that all numbers have a square root, but not all square roots are whole numbers; many are decimals. The clip then states that, "
there are ways to figure out square roots, but none of them are very pleasant, and people hardly eve...