This clip explains how to deal with very small percents, such as those less than 1 percent. As an example, it uses one-fourth percent, which it states is one quarter of 1%. The clip then goes through the steps necessary to express that in decimal fo...
Finding the square root of a decimal is discussed, noting that any decimal that does not have an even number of places after the decimal cannot have an exact square root.
This clip explains the use of negative exponents in expanded notation as a way of getting rid of fractions. As an example, the clip states that, "
7 times 1 over 10 becomes 7 times 10 to the power of negative 1. 8 times 1 over 10 to the power of 2 ...
This clip explains how to convert metric units using the unit cancellation method, which uses unit equivalences and conversion factors. The clip also points out that moving decimal points is a simple way to convert between metric units, although som...
This clip explains how to solve unit conversion problems using the decimal method and the unit cancellation method. Following the final problem, the clip explains that, "
both methods of converting centimeters to meters give us the same answer. So ...
This clip explains how to solve unit conversion problems involving fluid volume through the use of the decimal method.
This clip summarizes the Metric System, explaining that, "
the prefixes of metric units are the key to understanding the Metric System." The clip notes that there are two methods of converting metric units: moving decimals and unit cancellation. Th...
Direct variation is used in a practical problem to find the threshold weight for men of different heights.
This clip presents the units for length, fluid volume and mass used in the Metric System. The clip also provides some of the key prefixes and abbreviations for Metric System units of measurement, as well as unit equivalences.
This clip explains how to solve unit conversion problems using the decimal method and the unit cancellation method. The clip points out that, "
the advantage of unit cancellation is that you're not likely to make mistakes with decimals. The advanta...