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Changing Families: Family, The - Definitions and Diversity

Changing Families: Family, The - Definitions and Diversity

The notion that there is no single "one-size-fits-all" model of what constitutes a family is a concept of enormous importance, especially at a time when diversity is much more the rule than the exception.

Law and the Legal System

Law and the Legal System

Every society has laws and rules set forth and enforced by an authority for the purpose of keeping order within the society. This clip defines "laws" and discusses the purpose of a legal system.

Love and Loving: Definitions of Love

Love and Loving: Definitions of Love

Therapists discuss the challenge of defining "love"-an emotionally charged word nearly everyone uses, but not necessarily with the same meaning in mind.

What Is Philosophy?

What Is Philosophy?

Philosopher Stephen Toulmin talks about the challenge of defining philosophy. During the course of his remarks, Professor Toulmin mentions Ludwig Wittgenstein, with whom he studied in Cambridge. Wittgenstein used to say that the best way to understa...