Psychologist and author Paul Ekman discusses the seven emotions that are generally considered most basic and universal. Dr. Ekman adds that, "...each basic emotion has a theme that is universal, but the details of it are filled in by culture and fam...
Subject: despair
Transcript: . Sadness tends to imply a longer state, So we might say despair or anguish. Disgust. Contempt, which is a terrible word because it sounds Like content, but
Philosopher Hubert Dreyfus talks about Jean-Paul Sartre, who views all human activity as a way of trying to cover up our nothingness and delude ourselves into thinking that we have an identity, content and meaning in our lives.
Subject: despair
Transcript: Because we are pure freedom and nothingness we are As he says, a futile passion. In kierkegaardian terms, we're in despair. In a way he's very
Professor of psychiatry and author Kay Redfield Jamison says that, in rare instances, "...there's an unusual combination that can occur in some people...where you have someone who's imaginative to begin with, and then give them an intense mood disor...
Subject: despair
Transcript: despair and Melancholia to ecstasy that most people do not. I think it's a lot more complicated than that. We know people's brains change on neuroimaging