This clip explains that two graphs displaying the same data can give very different visual impressions. "That's why it's important to check the vertical scale of a graph before making an interpretation," the clip states.
Experimental psychologist and author Elizabeth Loftus talks about "prestige enhancing memory distortions," and explains that these are sometimes responsible for two people witnessing the same event, but remembering different details.
Experimental psychologist and author Elizabeth Loftus talks about the drowning death of her mother and explains how recalling that event brought the subject of memory distortion home to Dr. Loftus and her family years later in a very personal way.
Experimental psychologist and author Elizabeth Loftus talks about the link between age and memory distortion. "You take children who are three, four, five, six years old," Dr. Loftus explains, "'re going to find they are more susceptible to ha...