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Rule of Nine: Qualifications for the Federal Bench

Rule of Nine: Qualifications for the Federal Bench

Legal scholars are asked to comment on qualifications and characteristics they think are important for nominees to the federal bench. Douglas Kmiec favors nominees who are "learned in the law and...capable, based on experience and temperament and in...

Changing Families: Family, The - Definitions and Diversity

Changing Families: Family, The - Definitions and Diversity

The notion that there is no single "one-size-fits-all" model of what constitutes a family is a concept of enormous importance, especially at a time when diversity is much more the rule than the exception.

Human Resources and the Law

Human Resources and the Law

Once the recruitment and hiring process begins, a whole host of laws and regulations comes into play. The most visible of these are mandates related to equal employment opportunities for minorities and those with disabilities.



One of the major challenges facing managers today is the increasing diversity of the workforce. For those who are willing and able to meet this challenge, the result is often a more flexible and innovative organization, one that is better able to co...

Immigration Following World War I (Part Two)

Immigration Following World War I (Part Two)

Professor of history Gary Gerstle talks about the restrictive attitude in the United States towards immigration following World War I. Professor Gerstle explains that it was caused in part by fear that immigrants would take the jobs of native-born A...

Pressure Politics: One Nation; Many Voices

Pressure Politics: One Nation; Many Voices

How can a nation achieve the unity necessary to govern itself when it so diverse? A case in point is the gun control debate and al the different points of view that cloud the issue. Through the years people have found that their voice is strengthene...

Growing Pains: Middle Colonies--A Diverse Melting Pot, The

Growing Pains: Middle Colonies--A Diverse Melting Pot, The

Perhaps the most lasting legacy of the Quakers is religious toleration, not a common notion in the 17th century. The practical benefit of encouraging religious toleration is that it makes it very easy to populate your colony. The middle colonies are...

The Becoming Years: Development: from Womb to Tomb

The Becoming Years: Development: from Womb to Tomb

Adolescence and older adulthood, two stages of development at near opposite end of life, share a common thread of exploration, discovery, and growth. From womb to tomb-childhood, adolescence, early and middle adulthood , the years of old age-- we ar...

It's Personal: Diversity of Sexual Desire

It's Personal: Diversity of Sexual Desire

Learning about sexuality involves not only the biology of sex but also its diversity. No two people have exactly the same desires nor the same idea of how to fulfill them. Bridging these differences between partners requires a great deal of communic...

Families Today and Tomorrow: Ongoing Importance of Family, The

Families Today and Tomorrow: Ongoing Importance of Family, The

While some believe the role of the family has diminished in recent years, others contend that while the family has changed, it remains as important as ever.