Philosopher Hilary Putnam talks about the concept of the mind, and how it's changed since the time of the early Greeks. He notes that Descartes was the first to say intellect, soul and mind are one and the same thing.
Subject: dualism
Philosopher Charles Taylor talks about the tendency to see the mental and the physical as two completely separate and distinct categories. He notes that much of modern philosophy is concerned with blurring the rigid line between the two, in recognit...
Subject: dualism
Philosopher John Searle explores various perspectives on the mind which he believes are all flawed, including behaviorism and identity theory, then discusses functionalism, which he says is essentially a combination of the other two. According to fu...
Subject: dualism
Transcript: Most people recognize that dualism isn't going to work. Now if you abandon dualism, that is the idea That the reality divides into these two realms
Philosopher Hilary Putnam calls himself a pluralist rather than a dualist, because he doesn't think there are just two kinds of properties in the world. He goes on to talk about the trend towards reductionist thinking, arguing that it is a task of p...
Subject: dualism
Philosopher John Searle says that many philosophers are mistaken in the way they view the mind and the body, noting that they rely on old vocabulary and fail to consider how the mind actually works in real life.
Subject: dualism
Transcript: On the one hand we've got a tradition of dualism Which invades popular life. I think man in the street is probably a dualist. Most ordinary people
Philosopher John Searle explains that when the body (including, of course, the brain) dies, the mind and the self die at the same time. He rejects the notion that there is something else, what some would call the soul, that endures despite the death...
Subject: dualism
Transcript: For ordinary people behind dualism and forget About the professionals for a moment-for a moment is the idea That when their body dies, they're going to
Philosopher John Searle explores "the mind-body problem." He begins by talking about the perspective of Descartes and others who viewed the mind and the body as totally separate and distinct areas. Professor Searle then goes on to look at how the mi...
Subject: dualism