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Risky Business: Worldwide Effort to Educate People about Their Contraceptive Options

Risky Business: Worldwide Effort to Educate People about Their Contraceptive Options

In many parts of the world, educating women about their contraceptive options is part of an ongoing effort to improve women's health and to control overpopulation. Social and cultural barriers against such educational programs are difficult to overc...

Sample - whiteboard save demo

Sample - whiteboard save demo

this is a sample upload added by Joe... blah blah

Other America, The: Rise of the Civil Rights Movement, The

Other America, The: Rise of the Civil Rights Movement, The

The 1950s are not as calm and contented as the politics and popular culture of the era suggest. After decades of strained relations, an open battle against racial segregation begins. A series of suits challenge the constitutionality of paying black...

In the Know

In the Know

Learn why it is important to provide the prospective buyer with specific knowledge needed to make the best possible buying decision.

Dating: Finding a Potential Partner

Dating: Finding a Potential Partner

Most people believe they have the freedom to choose anyone they want as a potential partner or mate, but there often constraints related to such factors as religion, culture, or propinquity. Humans have a tendency to gravitate to those who are attr...

Sociology and Public Policy

Sociology and Public Policy

Professor of Sociology and Public Policy Dalton Conley talks about the wealth gap between low asset families and those with financial resources, and discusses various public policy strategies that might narrow that gap.

Social Class in America

Social Class in America

Professor of Sociology and Public Policy Dalton Conley observes that sociologists have traditionally viewed social class in America as being a function of three elements: education, occupation and income. Professor Conley argues that there's actuall...

Sex and Sexuality: Sexuality Education Debate

Sex and Sexuality: Sexuality Education Debate

While many believe that schools are excellent settings in which to provide information about sexuality, others contend that this kind of subject matter has no place in public schools and is better addressed by families at home. But even when commun...

Case For Education, The

Case For Education, The

Former Secretary of Labor and university professor Robert Reich talks about the state of education in the United States. Secretary Reich notes that most money for primary and secondary education comes from local property taxes. The result, he says, ...

Education and Training

Education and Training

Former Secretary of Labor and university professor Robert Reich argues that we don't have to chose between the low unemployment but frequently low wages of the American system, and a European system with wage rigidity that prevents wages from going ...