Philosopher Martha Nussbaum briefly traces the history of virtue ethics, from Aristotle through Kant. She notes that the major theories of virtue have all included strong criticism of traditional social norms, and rejects the notion that virtue ethi...
Until recent decades modern ethics was dominated by two approaches that focus on action. The movement that focuses on character rather than action has come to be known as virtue ethics. Looking at ethics in terms of who you are and how your life is ...
Philosopher Hilary Putnam talks about philosophy since the time of Socrates. He notes that one constant about philosophy since the days of the ancient Greeks has been its concern with thinking carefully about how to live.
Philosopher Stephen Toulmin talks about Aristotle's perspective on ethics. Professor Toulmin explains that Aristotle didn't believe it was possible to develop an ethical formula that could fit all situations. Instead, he argued that ethical choices ...
Philosopher Martha Nussbaum explores Aristotelian and ancient ethics, explaining what she feels are some of the drawbacks to virtue ethics.
Professor of Law and Medicine Alex Capron talks about ethical issues pertaining to physician-assisted death. He explains why he is opposed to it, arguing that what we should be doing instead is finding ways to make dying less painful and more humane.
Professor of Law and Medicine Alex Capron talks about some of the ethical issues surrounding research into drugs used in the treatment of AIDS. Professor Capron explores the question of whether it's ethically correct to do experimental research when...
Professor of Law and Medicine Alex Capron talks about ethical lapses that sometimes take place because of the increasingly bottom line orientation of modern hospitals.
Professor of Law and Medicine Alex Capron talks about the danger in assuming that if we know an individual's genetic blueprint, we know the individual. He reminds us that, as important as genetic structure may be, ultimately the individual is the pr...
Professor of Law and Medicine Alex Capron talks about the importance of not discriminating against those who have been diagnosed with a genetic predisposition that may or may not develop into the illness or condition for which the predisposition exi...