Applying the rules for exponents to simplifying more complex expressions.
Practice applying the rules for exponents to simplifying complex expressions.
Another expression is reduced to its simplest form, demonstrating the rule for dividing two monomials with the same base.
Using more than one of the rules for exponents to simplify expressions written with parentheses.
Practice factoring: 10b2c4d - 6b3c4d2
Practice factoring: 2la5b7 — 7a4b6c
Practice factoring: 27x10y3z15 - 9x9y3z9
Simplifying an expression with a negative exponent in the denominator, and a formula that makes it easier.
This clip explains negative exponents and how to deal with them. "Think of the whole business as a fraction with a denominator of 1," the clip states. "Then, to change the sign of the exponent, just invert the fraction." The clip notes that, "
This clip explains the use of negative exponents in expanded notation as a way of getting rid of fractions. As an example, the clip states that, "
7 times 1 over 10 becomes 7 times 10 to the power of negative 1. 8 times 1 over 10 to the power of 2 ...