Author and journalist Randy Shilts discusses HIV/AIDS testing, arguing that people will only be willing to take the test if they know the results won't be made public.
Sexual orientation refers to a person's preference of partners, a continuum that ranges from preference for members of the opposite sex (heterosexuality) to preference for members of the same sex (homosexuality). More people are on the extremes of t...
Author and journalist Randy Shilts talks about his background and upbringing as a gay men. He states that he grew up believing there was something wrong with him, and only heard reference made to his sexual orientation in the form of jokes or dispar...
While many people are comfortable with alternative forms of sexual orientation, others find them deeply disturbing. Differences of opinion about this topic extend into the legal arena as well. There are many unresolved legal questions surrounding ...
Author and journalist Randy Shilts argues that the Reagan administration spent little on the AIDS epidemic early on, because it was essentially only affecting gay men and intravenous drug users, and because the Reagan presidency was focused above al...
Sixty percent of Americans consider homosexual relations wrong, a figure that has decreased since the 1970s but is still out of step with other advanced industrial nations. Twenty-nine percent of gay men and 44 percent of lesbians currently live in...
Pre-existing beliefs can distort logical reasoning as demonstrated in an experiment related to attitudes toward homosexuality. Both sides of the ideological spectrum were equally biased. People are much more skeptical about information they do not w...