Former Secretary of Labor and university professor Robert Reich talks about what the United States can do to be more successful competing on the world economic stage. He says that rather than reducing wages to be more competitive internationally, th...
There is a wide range of corporate strategies that can be utilized, depending on the needs and circumstances of a particular company. Once a strategy has been determined, an organization may then elect to utilize one or more specific techniques for ...
Professor of history Gary Gerstle talks about the racial fallout that ensued as many African-Americans moved from the rural south to the urban north in the 1940's and beyond. "These Blacks are coming into urban centers populated by Whites," Professo...
As long as other countries lacked industrial capacity, especially following World War II, U.S. companies could absorb tremendous inefficiency and still compete. All that changed when the Japanese developed new methods of integrating various aspects ...
Professor of history Gary Gerstle talks about the significance of the Supreme Court's Brown vs. the Board of Education decision. "I would say the practical significance in terms of how much was integrated and how quickly is less important," Professo...
In 1965 the Supreme Court added privacy to the list of protections, reasoning that the freedoms in the Bill of Rights imply an underlying right of privacy. In succeeding decades that interpretation has led to several controversial decisions like Roe...
Professor of Sociology and Public Policy Dalton Conley talks about residential segregation, noting that it has important economic, educational and family consequences. Professor Conley observes that there is a premium for being a white neighborhood ...
Chinese medicine, as practiced by Dr. Ka Kit Hui, uses a systems approach to healthcare. "I'm very interested to solve problems, and I think that different healing traditions have their unique strengths and weaknesses." Dr. Hui has had success combi...