This clip looks at the challenges involved in securing a bank loan. It also touches on the role of the Small Business Administration in giving banks an incentive to make longer term loans, with less collateral and less of an equity requirement.
This clip talks about the option of starting a company as part of a small business incubator, which is essentially a shared facility of resources.
This clip looks at potential sources of capital for getting a new business off the ground. Apart from tapping one's own savings or other personal resources, the other options generally fall into two broad categories; debt and equity.
This clip explores the challenge of figuring out how much capital is needed for a new business. Because income can be extremely limited during the early stages of a business, it's especially important to accurately project expenses. Some of the more...
This clip talks about leasing, and makes the point that it's generally a good idea to utilize a team of experts in the leasing process. This team will typically include an attorney, an accountant and a real estate agent.