Seventeenth century philosopher Thomas Hobbes believes that the kind of freedom that is necessary for moral responsibility is consistent with determinism. As he says with characteristic terseness, "Liberty and necessity are consistent." Contemporary...
Historian and author Bernard Bailyn talks about growing colonial opposition to British rule during the period from 1760-1776. Professor Bailyn describes it as, "...a buildup of apprehension, of fear that they were being subjected to a familiar kind ...
While many people, including Abraham Lincoln, said the Civil War was about the Union, historian and author Ira Berlin argues that the war cannot be understood without the institution of slavery. In fact, Professor Berlin adds, "...By the end of the ...
In the 19th century British Prime Minister Gladstone called the American Constitution "the most remarkable work in modern times produced by the human intellect at a single stroke." Historian Bernard Bailyn agrees that our constitutional system is re...
Historian Peter Onuf explains that the Articles of Confederation represented the only way of creating an effective alliance among the American provinces. However, Professor Onuf adds that the Articles of Confederation were limited in their usefulnes...
Historian Peter Onuf explains that historians "argue endlessly about whether (American Revolution, The ) is a real revolution because, as with other modern movements, American Revolution, The is, in many ways, conservative. It aims to preserve liber...