gamble many of them lost. Diseases like malaria claim over half of the settlers. John Smith's account in "Settlement of Jamestown" punctuates the suffering
Subject: malaria
Transcript: point things got so bad, both from the point of view Of disease and from the point of view of their suffering From malaria and other diseases, that one
Zoologist and World Wildlife Fund senior scientist Theo Colborn talks about the global problem of persistent organic pollutants. She observes that it's a difficult problem to solve because some nations continue to use chemicals, such as DDT, even th...
Subject: malaria
Transcript: there it's still in use And then we have the countries that desperately need Something for malaria control and for tangay fever And they are leaning on
troops were returning home from Europe and the Pacific after World War II, there were public health concerns about the potential resurgence of malaria, a
Subject: malaria
Transcript: part of the united states, up until well Into the 20th century, this was an area that had malaria. There was a lot of concern that as soldiers returned
infectious disease is not over, particularly in developing countries. AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis, even measles are causing major problems.
Subject: malaria
Transcript: malaria As the largest killer of people in africa, is tuberculosis, For which we've had good drugs, haven't used them wisely Or enough in years past to
Professor of Sociology and History Craig Calhoun talks about the challenge of fighting global epidemics. Certainly there needs to be a financial commitment and there also need to be scientific breakthroughs. But in addition, Professor Calhoun notes,...
Subject: malaria
Transcript: History, going back to the black death and the Bubonic plague on through to aids,malaria,tuberculosis today. Each of this is a global disease and part of