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Franchising Case Study: "Sir Speedy"

Franchising Case Study: "Sir Speedy"

This clip describes the experience of a couple who elected to purchase a Sir Speedy printing franchise.

Focus Groups and Questionnaires

Focus Groups and Questionnaires

This clip explains that, while much valuable information can be collected through personal observation, it is often necessary to get more comprehensive data regarding customer needs and attitudes. This can be done through the use of focus groups and...

Importance of Market Research Strategy

Importance of Market Research Strategy

This clip explores the importance of marketing and market research for any business. It explains that the most useful market research will assess whether or not there's a need for the product or service in the marketplace, as well as who might be th...

Communicating with Graphs and Charts

Communicating with Graphs and Charts

The advantages of visual representation of statistical data and how this can work to a business's advantage in reporting and marketing.

Peak Performance

Peak Performance

The importance of orientation and training of new salespersons, and the responsibility of the sales manager to keep sales force motivated are explained.

Entrepreneurship and Managing

Entrepreneurship and Managing

This clip points out that the long-term success of a small business is dependent on a number of factors, including sound management.

Inventory Control

Inventory Control

The importance of minimizing unsalable or surplus merchandise is the focus of this video. Inventory control is presented as a strategy for business management and marketing, not just recordkeeping.

Federal Trade Commission, The

Federal Trade Commission, The

This clip looks at the role of the Federal Trade Commission in monitoring and regulating pricing, as well as labeling, marketing, and advertising. The clip notes that the FTC is also involved in regulating warranties.

In Position

In Position

We focus on those decisions, activities, and communication techniques that form selling strategies for new and old products.

Sales Engine, The

Sales Engine, The

Addresses the ways in which personal selling stimulates economic growth in a market driven economy, and traces its evolution from the early days of the Production Era to present day.