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Determined to be Heard: Challenging the Melting Pot Ideal

Determined to be Heard: Challenging the Melting Pot Ideal

The determination of minority groups to forge a stronger cultural identity challenges the idea of the "melting pot" and becomes a threat to the idea of America for some citizens. Historian Gary Gerstle compares two very different Italian filmmakers:...

Theodore Roosevelt and the Value of War

Theodore Roosevelt and the Value of War

Professor of history Gary Gerstle talks about Theodore Roosevelt's perspective on war. Professor Gerstle explains that Roosevelt not only saw war as a means by which great men prove themselves, but also believed that participating in war allows immi...

Family History: Immigrant Experience in America

Family History: Immigrant Experience in America

As the young, newly formed United States of America began to experience growth spurts, the steady influx of immigrants likewise accelerated. The experiences of U.S. immigrants have been varied, often along racial and ethnic lines. The role of the ...