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How Old Is The Mind? (Part 1)

How Old Is The Mind? (Part 1)

Philosopher Hilary Putnam talks about the concept of the mind, and how it's changed since the time of the early Greeks. He notes that Descartes was
Subject: mind
Transcript: I think what we call 'the mind' is really a fairly Late construction. In fact, no earlier than descartes. We, of course there are greek writings

How Old Is The Mind? (Part 2)

How Old Is The Mind? (Part 2)

Philosopher Hilary Putnam expands on his views about the mind, noting that Freud and most others in the psychology arena disputed the notion that the
Subject: mind
Transcript: cartesian mind with the brain. But on the other hand, it? S the cartesian mind is entirely Conscious, and there? S a tension there, Because when you actually

Is Mind Distinct from Body?: Testing Computers against the Human Mind

Is Mind Distinct from Body?: Testing Computers against the Human Mind

With he advent of new computer technologies, enthusiasts predict that soon computers will do everything minds that can. In 1951, computer pioneer
Subject: mind
Transcript: ... and performing complex computations. enthusiasts predicted that soon computers would be able to do everything minds can. then it would become clear

Chess: Humans vs. Computers

Chess: Humans vs. Computers

Philosopher John Searle talks about how a computer plays chess. He states that the computer playing chess doesn't actually "think" in the way a human does. What the computer does, Professor Searle explains, is perform a massive number of simulations...
Subject: mind

Computer Simulations

Computer Simulations

Philosopher John Searle points out the difference between computer simulations--be they of the brain or a weather event or an explosion--and the real thing. According to Professor Searle, however closely the simulation comes to approximating the app...
Subject: mind
Transcript: meaning thought contents, you know, The capacity that the mind has for being directed to things. Now, that's exactly like the stomach. The stomach causes

Behaviorism, Identity Theory and Functionalism

Behaviorism, Identity Theory and Functionalism

Philosopher John Searle explores various perspectives on the mind which he believes are all flawed, including behaviorism and identity theory, then
Subject: mind
Transcript: problem is it just seems To leave out the mind. I mean as somebody once said, it seems like you have To feign anesthesia, you got to pretend to be

Does the Mind Shape the World?: Does the Mind Shape the World?

Does the Mind Shape the World?: Does the Mind Shape the World?

reasoning inside our minds. Empirists disagreed saying that all knowledge must come from the senses. This video examines Immanuel Kant's position that we
Subject: mind
Transcript: reasoning inside our minds. other philosophers, called "empiricists," disagreed. reason is a powerful processing tool. but what does it process

Pragmatism, Language and Reality

Pragmatism, Language and Reality

Philosopher Richard Rorty explores the link between language and reality, suggesting that no one language is any closer to reality than any other. Whether it's the language of poetry, the language of physics, the language of theology or any other la...
Subject: mind
Transcript: mind and the body Which we had inherited, from plato and descartes And the christian tradition, probably wouldn't work anymore. Because they couldn't be

The Rediscovery of the Mind

The Rediscovery of the Mind

Philosopher John Searle says that many philosophers are mistaken in the way they view the mind and the body, noting that they rely on old vocabulary
Subject: mind
Transcript: probably think they have both a mind And a body and the mind is somehow separable from the body. Now philosophers think correctly that it's very hard To make

The Realism vs. Anti-Realism Debate (Part 2)

The Realism vs. Anti-Realism Debate (Part 2)

Philosopher John Searle talks about the anti-realist view that we never actually perceive the real world and instead only perceive our own perceptions of that world. Professor Searle argues that this is incorrect, that we do, in fact, have direct pe...
Subject: mind