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Human Resources and the Law

Human Resources and the Law

Once the recruitment and hiring process begins, a whole host of laws and regulations comes into play. The most visible of these are mandates related to equal employment opportunities for minorities and those with disabilities.

Class-Based Affirmative Action:

Class-Based Affirmative Action:

Professor of Sociology and Public Policy Dalton Conley talks about class-based affirmative action as an alternative to the much more common, but increasingly unpopular race-based affirmative action.

Sociology and Public Policy

Sociology and Public Policy

Professor of Sociology and Public Policy Dalton Conley talks about the wealth gap between low asset families and those with financial resources, and discusses various public policy strategies that might narrow that gap.

Families Today and Tomorrow: Family Diversity and Immigration

Families Today and Tomorrow: Family Diversity and Immigration

American families are growing more racially and ethnically diverse, at least in part because of changing patterns of immigration.

Residential Segregation

Residential Segregation

Professor of Sociology and Public Policy Dalton Conley talks about residential segregation, noting that it has important economic, educational and family consequences. Professor Conley observes that there is a premium for being a white neighborhood ...

Voices of the People: Social Stratification of Political Participation

Voices of the People: Social Stratification of Political Participation

The poor and minorities in the U.S., even some affluent members of the middle class feel alienated from the political system. Unlike other democracies, lower income people are dropping out of the electorate in the U. S. This not only affects the kin...

Institutional Racism

Institutional Racism

Professor of Sociology and Public Policy Dalton Conley talks about the forces that perpetuate racism, even when there is no particular racial motivation in mind. In many cases, Professor Conley notes, there is no awareness that race plays a part in ...