This clip explains how to deal with very small percents, such as those less than 1 percent. As an example, it uses one-fourth percent, which it states is one quarter of 1%. The clip then goes through the steps necessary to express that in decimal fo...
Simplifying a radical by multiplying first to get a perfect square in the radicand.
Instances are demonstrated where simplifying radicals before multiplying are indicated.
This clip summarizes multiplication of whole numbers, including the relationship between addition and multiplication, the use of arrays, and the results when multiplying numbers by one or zero.
This clip explains that, just as zero is the identity for addition, the number 1 is the identity for multiplication because, any number, when multiplied by 1, "...isn't changed at all."
This clip explains that one way to look at multiplication is through a pattern of columns and rows known as an array.
This clip presents a number of multiplication problems and challenges the viewer to use arrays in solving them.
This clip explains that the product of any number multiplied by zero is zero.
A review of how to multiply signed numbers.
This clip explains that multiplying by 3 "
is like walking along the number line with steps three units long."