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Pollution Prevention: Bridging Troubled Water: Alternative Pulp and Paper Bleaching Technology

Pollution Prevention: Bridging Troubled Water: Alternative Pulp and Paper Bleaching Technology

Facing a lawsuit charging it with discharging toxic effluent in the water off the coast of northern California, Louisiana Pacific knew it needed to change the way its pulp mills operated. Even though it successfully met the mandates of the lawsuit ...
Subject: paper
Transcript: [ narrator ] as a result of the 1972 amendments to the clean water act, most pulp and paper mills installed secondary treatment facilities, such as

Pollution Prevention: Bridging Troubled Water: Pulp and Paper Industry Regulations

Pollution Prevention: Bridging Troubled Water: Pulp and Paper Industry Regulations

residues of waste materials. However, prior to the 1970's, the pulp and paper industry was largely unregulated as far as pollution was concerned. All that
Subject: paper
Transcript: , Where industries would seek out the best deal For siting of facilities. [ narrator ] the pulp and paper industry is a case in point. the transformation

Waste, Part I: Material Recycling Facilities

Waste, Part I: Material Recycling Facilities

The development of technology for handling co-mingled wastes has changed the one-time altuistic gesture of recycling into a symbiotic relationship between environmental needs and profitability.
Subject: paper
Transcript: solution, but was hampered by the unwieldy need... to separate glass, metals and paper. the development of material recycling facilities, and the