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Showing results - 1 to 10 of 33
Factor: 12x2 - 17x   6

Factor: 12x2 - 17x 6

Practice factoring a trinomial with a negative middle term: 12x2 - 17x 6.

Subtraction Problem That Requires Factoring, A

Subtraction Problem That Requires Factoring, A

Solving a problem in which both denominators are quadratic trinomials is demonstrated.

Solving Quadratic Equations by Factoring

Solving Quadratic Equations by Factoring

A quadratic equation in which the quadratic trinomial has a leading coefficient of one can be solved by factoring. An example is given that also utilizes the zero factor property.

Solving Equations Not Written in Standard Form

Solving Equations Not Written in Standard Form

Before solving a quadratic equation, it must be written in standard form. The procedure is demonstrated.

Quadratic Equations in Standard Form

Quadratic Equations in Standard Form

The standard form for a quadratic equation is ax2 bx = 0. It is not always clear whether an equation is a quadratic equation until it is simplified. Any equation that can be written in stand form is a quadratic equation.

Factor: 3c2 - 13cd   14d2

Factor: 3c2 - 13cd 14d2

Practice factoring a trinomial with two different variables: 3c2 - 13cd 14d2.

Factor: a2   12a   27

Factor: a2 12a 27

Demonstration of a shortcut that can be used to factor a quadratic trinomial with a leading coefficient of 1.

Factor: 9y2 - 15y   4

Factor: 9y2 - 15y 4

Practice factoring a trinomial with a negative middle term: 9y2 - 15x 4.

Factor: 8a2   10a   3

Factor: 8a2 10a 3

Practice factoring: 8a2 10a 3.

Factoring Before Simplifying a Rational Expression

Factoring Before Simplifying a Rational Expression

Examples of factoring before simplifying a rational expression are presented.