Practice factoring a trinomial with a negative middle term: 12x2 - 17x 6.
Solving a problem in which both denominators are quadratic trinomials is demonstrated.
A quadratic equation in which the quadratic trinomial has a leading coefficient of one can be solved by factoring. An example is given that also utilizes the zero factor property.
Before solving a quadratic equation, it must be written in standard form. The procedure is demonstrated.
The standard form for a quadratic equation is ax2 bx = 0. It is not always clear whether an equation is a quadratic equation until it is simplified. Any equation that can be written in stand form is a quadratic equation.
Practice factoring a trinomial with two different variables: 3c2 - 13cd 14d2.
Demonstration of a shortcut that can be used to factor a quadratic trinomial with a leading coefficient of 1.
Practice factoring a trinomial with a negative middle term: 9y2 - 15x 4.
Practice factoring: 8a2 10a 3.
Examples of factoring before simplifying a rational expression are presented.