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Inner Self and External World

Inner Self and External World

Philosopher Hubert Dreyfus talks about the views of multiple philosophers concerning how the inner self encounters the every day reality of the external world.

What is Real?: Realists' Side of the Debate with Anti-realists, The

What is Real?: Realists' Side of the Debate with Anti-realists, The

The distinction between trying to capture the true nature of reality versus defining it in human terms has remained central to recent philosophy. The two sides in the debate are the realists and anti-realists. To realists, reality is objective and e...

Connecting Different Fields of Philosophy

Connecting Different Fields of Philosophy

Philosopher Hilary Putnam makes the case for connecting the different fields of philosophy. As an example, he cites ethics and epistemology, arguing that looking at these together would enable us to see things in a different light.