This clip walks us through two examples of rounding with decimal numbers, then invites the student to, "
try one yourself...(and) handle it like the problem we just finished." The clip then talks about the importance of, "
returning to the origina...
This clip explains the procedure used in rounding to the nearest tenth. "The place to look is the hundredths place," the clip explains. "If it's less than five, leave the tenths place unchanged and drop everything to the right. If it's five or more,...
This clip explains what rounded numbers are and how they are commonly used. The clip states that, "
when we talk of rounded numbers, we mean they're not exact."
This clip explains that rounding is done when getting an exact measure either isn't important or isn't worth the trouble.
This clip provides examples of how to round to the nearest tenth or hundredth. The clip explains that the procedure is basically the same in either case, except that, when rounding to the nearest tenth, it's necessary to look to the hundredths place...
This clip talks about the use of rounding in measuring distances to the nearest whole number, rather than to the nearest tenth.
This clip explains that decimals aren't the only numbers that can be rounded. "Whole numbers can also be rounded," the clip points out. Examples are then provided to show how that's done.
This clip summarizes rounding numbers, explaining that, "
we use rounded numbers either when it's not important to know the exact ones, or when we can't find them." The clip then explains when and how we round up or down.