Once the recruitment and hiring process begins, a whole host of laws and regulations comes into play. The most visible of these are mandates related to equal employment opportunities for minorities and those with disabilities.
This clip examines the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). The clip notes that this is the government agency that regulates safety in the workplace, including the design and layout of the physical plant, as well as specific types o...
Philosopher Hubert Dreyfus says that Aristotle believed when people perform in an expert manner, it's because they have a skill to do so, not because they are following principles that are innate or learned.
Philosopher John Searle agrees with Noam Chomsky's contention that a child could not learn a language without some innate mechanism that enables the child to do so. But Professor Searle disagrees with Chomsky's claim that there are universal rules o...
According to Philosopher Hubert Dreyfus, Socrates thought that for anybody to be an expert in any domain, they had to understand the principles and rules of that domain. The result of this thinking was that Socrates concluded no one knows anything. ...