There is much a woman needs to learn prior to conceiving a child and during the 38 weeks of pregnancy. For example, the risk of neural tube defect is reduced by taking folic acid in the pre conceptual and early conceptual period. Good nutrition and ...
Dean Hamer, Director of the Gene Structure and Regulation Unit at the National Cancer Institute, discusses the fact that, "...many different addictions tend to go together." He explains that, "...the probable reason is that there are certain persona...
People often rate their attempts to stop smoking as even more difficult than giving up alcohol or other drugs. The fact that tobacco is widely advertised, cigarettes are easy to obtain, and toxic effects are slow to develop may add to the problem. F...
Cancer is a disease that is influenced by lifestyle choices. Some researchers contend that eating right, staying physically active, watching your weight, and not smoking or exposing yourself to too much sun could reduce your risk of cancer by 60 to ...
Dean Hamer, Director of the Gene Structure and Regulation Unit at the National Cancer Institute, talks about efforts to determine, "...whether or not there is a genetic basis for why some people find it easy to stop smoking, and other people find it...
Smoking is a dangerous habit. It is the leading source of preventable illness and death in the United States. There are over 4,000 chemical compounds present in the gases and particles that make up cigarette smoke. Some are poisonous; some irritate ...
Addiction is a chronic relapsing disease. People who try to quit smoking may fail 7 to 10 times before succeeding. People contend it is more difficult to stop than heroin or cocaine use, perhaps because of the biology of nicotine addiction or simply...