Patagonia and Esprit have been pioneers in a growing category of companies that have successfully integrated social responsibility with profit. Both companies have prospered in the fiercely competitive garment industry, where consumers have become m...
The ANSWER Coalition is a national organization with offices in major cities throughout the United States. ANSWER is an acronym that stands for "Act Now to Stop War and End Racism." Along with its opposition to U.S. policy in the Middle East, the ...
It's relatively easy to reel off a litany of well-known social movements, from civil rights to anti-war to the women's movement. Trying to pin down what actually constitutes a social movement can be a bit more challenging.
Professor of Sociology and History Craig Calhoun discusses large scale social change, noting that the reason such change is often met with resistance is that not everyone benefits equally in the wake of massive change.
During the first part of the 20th century, the United States evolves into an industrialized economy. Cities and urban centers are forming around industry. Government, investors and workers alike are attempting to define themselves in this new world.
Twentieth century sociologist Gerhard Lenski said that one way to understand social change is to look at the basic subsistence technology of a society. With that information, much can be deduced about stratification, gender relations, and politica...
The Winnemem Wintu tribe joins forces with environmental activists in an effort to persuade those in political power to recognize the tribe and put a stop to the raising of Shasta Dam
The process of social change is helpful for some people, but hurtful for others. As a result, the prospect of social change is often accompanied by resistance and fear.